Planned communities are housing developments where homes, roads, and other features are designed with a central theme. In the interest of maintaining appearances and enforcement of zoning, many counties have enacted regulations addressing planned communities.

Requirements under Orange County Municipal Code
In Orange County per section 7-9-47.3 of the Orange County Municipal Code, planned communities must be approved by the Orange County Planning Commission and adopted by the Orange County Board of Supervisors as provided in section 7-9-47.9.
Per section 7-9-49.5, a planned community must submit a detailed description of the plan. These descriptions include the purpose and intent of the planned community, permitted and prohibited uses as directed by various acts and sections, accessory permitted uses, and a site development standard.
Under Section 7-9-47.8, a planned community must submit a detailed map that includes the boundaries of the development and all key components, drawn to scale. The map should feature title blocks, land use categories and density statistics, proposed topography, and both existing and planned streets and highways.
Additionally, it must highlight regional activities aligned with the general plan, such as hiking and biking areas, zones where aircraft noise exceeds specified levels, identified earthquake faults or areas of unstable geology, and any major flood control or utility infrastructure.
The map should also depict existing physical or cultural landmarks, as well as the general locations of proposed parks, schools, libraries, fire stations, and sheriff stations.
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